Many people have complained about how Flex 3's error validation messages are not shown unless you hover your mouse over the input field that is invalid. See the image on the right and you'll probably know what I'm talking about. If not, then when you use a
mx.validators.Validator on an input field such as a TextInput or TextArea and the user enters invalid data then the input control gets a red border indicating an error. But the error message (e.g. "This field is required") is ONLY displayed when the user hovers the mouse over the input field.
After reading a few other posts on the subject, including a
bug report that is in the Adobe Bug Tracker I decided to see if I could come up with a nice easy solution.
I made a new class called
ErrorTipManager that has a bunch of public static functions that lets you easily attach your validators (or your own validation functions). The code is documented, so view the sample below and right click
view source to get the source code. The error tips should stay in the correct position even when the input moves (from a window resize or layout).
A lot of credit goes to Aral Balkin's blog entry on
Better form validation in Flex. I also got help from this blog on
how to show error tooltips.
Note that if you use the ErrorTipManager as described above and you set the
validator.enabled = false;
then the error tip will still be displayed. The validator does not fire an event when the enabled value changes, so it isn't possible to automatically update the visibility of the error tip. Instead you can do it manually by calling
ErrorTipManager.hideErrorTip(validator.source, true)
. See the source code of the example above - I've added in a CheckBox that controls the second validator's enabled state.
August 26th, 2009 update
Fixed a problem where the error tip wasn't being position properly.
November 2nd, 2009 update
Added two new functions to
ErrorTipManager for handling error tips in popup windows:
registerValidatorOnPopUp(validator, popUp, hideExistingErrorTips)
- registers the validator and adds move and resize listeners on the popUp. It can also hide any existing error tips (this is a good idea because the existing error tips appear on top of the popUp window which doesn't look good).
unregisterPopUpValidators(popUp, validateExistingErrorTips)
- unregisters all the validators associated with the popUp and removes the move and resize listeners that were added to the popUp. It can also validate all the remaining validators which will cause the error tips to re-appear now that the popUp has closed.
March 24th, 2010 update
Fixed a problem where the error tip wasn't being positioned properly when the parent container was scrolled. It will also hide the error tip if the source component gets scrolled out of the view. I also now move the error tip in front of other error tips when it gets positioned.
July 14th, 2010 update
Added two more event listeners in the
ErrorTipManager to listen for when the input is hidden (
visible="false") and when it gets removed from its parent (
This still does not solve the problem where the error tip remains visible when the parent is hidden or removed (e.g. if the input is inside a TabNavigator and the tab changes). In this case I'd suggest manually hiding or removing the error tip. Listen for the appropriate event like
"change" and then call
March 2011 update
I've posted an alternate approach to displaying validation error messages that doesn't involve the rather hacky approach above. You can view the blog post