I've created a custom class called CheckBoxLegend which extends Legend. It sets the legendItemClass to be the flex.utils.ui.charts.CheckBoxLegendItem class which extends the default LegendItem to add the CheckBox on the left side of the legend item.
Clicking on the legend item toggles the CheckBox and updates the Chart to show or hide the corresponding series. The series is hidden by setting the alpha value to 0.
Here is a snippet of how you use it in MXML:
<mx:Application xmlns:mx="http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml"
<mx:LineChart id="linechart" ... />
<charts:CheckBoxLegend dataProvider="{linechart}"
color="#000000" direction="horizontal"/>
<mx:LineChart id="linechart" ... />
<charts:CheckBoxLegend dataProvider="{linechart}"
color="#000000" direction="horizontal"/>
Here is the example, right click to view source:
Note that the minimum and maximum values of the vertical axis don't get updated when you uncheck one or more series. The Axis calculates these values but doesn't take into account the visibility of the Series. So I've added a new Update Vertical Axis Min/Max CheckBox that will go through all the y axis number values and calculate the minimum and maximum values for the visible series. I haven't tested this out on complicated datasets or different chart types, but hopefully it will be a good starting point.
Originally I played around with actually removing the series from the chart (instead of hiding it), but that caused more problems because when you remove a series the chart will automatically re-color any of the remaining series (unless you specified the stroke/color/fill styles) and the legend gets re-populated without the unchecked series. So it was easiest to just hide the series.