Monday, August 29, 2011

Can't type into Flex textbox on Mac Safari 5.1!

I recently ran into a problem on Mac Safari 5.1 where I couldn't type into any text boxes in my Flex App. Very frustrating! Anyway, I finally found a simple solution from the Adobe Forums.

First this problem only happens with the Debug Flash Player.

The fix is very simple - in Safari under the Develop menu (if you don't see the Develop menu it can be shown by going to Preferences > Advanced and checking the Show Develop menu in menu bar checkbox), change the User-Agent to Firefox or something other than the default. This will cause the page to reload, and should allow you to type again.



  1. Hmm no I don't have any other ideas. If you haven't already, maybe try checking the Adobe Forums to see if there are other suggestions? Good luck.

  2. Wow. Thanks for the tip
    When I change the User-Agent, I regain control over input boxes, but only during that session, for so long the other User-Agent is chosen.
    Weird bug. I wonder if it is the user-agent causing the problems, or if changing the User-Agent just does something that has a side-effect of regaining control.

  3. Thank you for these wonderful tips. It was very helpful. Big thanks and keep sharing.


  4. Hi,

    Great work! I was thinking in make one too :) Now that I see that is already done, is there a possibility of share it?

    regards :)

  5. Hi path addict - did you mean to post this on my Path Builder blog post instead? I haven't released the source code for it because I haven't cleaned up the code, it's not very well organized yet. I plan to release it once I've cleaned it up a bit.
